Solarkiosk GmbH - Wir über uns
Solarkiosk GmbH GmbH
Märkisches Ufer 34
10179 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 4401 3309
Fax: +49 (0)30 4401 0144
Mitarbeiter: 1-10
Standorte: Berlin, Addis Abeba
The SOLARKIOSK is a highly optimized kiosk with solar panels on top. Once installed, it becomes a compact, affordable and sturdy shop offering energy, products, tools and services.
Every SOLARKIOSK will provide enough power for solar lighting, mobile phone and car battery charging, a computer and even a solar fridge. Depending on local conditions, internet, TV and music can be offered as well. Since the SOLARKIOSK will most likely house the only fridge in the area, it can cool drinks and medication. In addition to those energy services, customers can buy solar lanterns, mobile phones, top-up cards for them and any other product that one typically finds in such kiosks.
A huge problem in Africa is deforestation as people depend on wood and other biomass for cooking and heat. As the human population increases, demand for wood outstrips the forest’s ability to replenish itself. This not only reduces biodiversity but also causes extreme soil erosion, which in turn endangers agriculture.
Solar energy can liberate people from this dependency and helps protect existing woodland.
As the new business hub in the village, the SOLARKIOSK provides qualified jobs to local people. The typical SOLARKIOSK operator will come from the local community, trained and certified by special programs at a nearby high school, university or NGO facility. These programs teach operators how solar products work, how to maintain them and how to run a sustainable business as a shop owner. Every operator will then typically employ several other people in order to provide the kiosk’s services efficiently.
The SOLARKIOSK will not only bring economic growth to less developed parts of the world. It will also stimulate communities and enable people to educate themselves at night. Where there is light, there is communication.
The SOLARKIOSK enables each household to save $10 per month just by providing solar energy. The average kiosk will supply between 200 and 5,000 households, thereby increasing income, stimulating local development, reducing poverty and increasing security in local communities.
Even in areas without electricity, mobile phones are everywhere. Mobile telecom is the fastest growing market in 21st century Africa, but charging a cell phone often takes a journey of two days to and back from the next city and can cost as much as $0,50 per charge. The SOLARKIOSK enables people to charge their phones where they live, saving time and money.
mir fallen diverse Menschen in Westafrika ein, die so einen Solarkiosk gebrauchen könnten. Geld haben diese wohl eher weniger. Meine Frage wäre zunächst der Preis eines solchen und wie das Prozedere und vor allem die Finanzierung für Privatmenschen wie mich vor sich gehen würde.
Vielen Dank im voraus!
Astrid Kühl
durch mein Solarproject an meiner Schule in Sierra Leone habe ich von ihnen gehört. Meine Frage wäre: was kostet so ein Solarkiosk und kann ich diese in Sierra Leone eigenständig vertreiben. Über eine schnell Antwort würde ich mich freuen und verbleibe
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Maria Walz
Wodurch finanziert sich Ihre Firma?
Mit freundlichem Gruß Heidi Rehmet
die Umsetzung Ihrer Idee interessiert mich sehr. Wäre auch ein mobiler (fahrbarer) Kiosk denkbar? Bitte senden Sie mir Info-Material zu. Zunächst am besten per Mail.
Vielen Dank
Anita Delija